Monday 5 November 2012

Photograph of everyone who attended the October Meeting

November's meeting

This months meeting was on Saturday 17th November.  There was lots going on, firstly Anne showed us how to make carnations out of serviettes and tissue paper, ideal for decorating your Christmas presents. They were so easy to make, and so effective.  I think Jayne and Charlotte got carried away!!  There were several different colour ones, but unfortunately, the photo's came out really blurred, sorry!  

Also Julia showed us how to make all different boxes using the Big shot and dies.  My apologies to her too, but none of the photo's came out!!!

But a big thank you to you both for showing us how to make these things, all a lot easier than they looked.

Monday 15 October 2012

October's Meeting

We met on Saturday 20th October.  The demo this month was with Andree and Emma.  It was a cross between parchment craft and zentangle!! and a box for it to go in.  Thank you to you both for a wonderful demonstration.

Wednesday 5 September 2012

September's meeting

Hi everyone

This months meeting was on Saturday 8th September and Emma kindly done this months demonstration. It is a triple embossed brooch.  Sounds very impressive and looks it!

Everyone made a least one in differing shapes, colours and sizes and they all turned out lovely.  Thank you very much Emma for a brilliant demo.

Sunday 5 August 2012

August's meeting

August's meeting was on Saturday 18th - 9.30am - 4.30pm

This month the demonstration was a Maze Book

Books made during 
the course of the day.

A couple of the ladies got quite addicted to making these!!!

Saturday 23 June 2012

July's meeting

The July meeting was held on Saturday 21st July.
This month the demonstration was Iris folding.  Below are examples of what could be done...

And here are a couple of cards done by Andree and Emma

Wednesday 30 May 2012

June's Meeting

The demonstration this month was with Sandra and she showed us all how to do Quilling.  There is quite a lot of variations with quilling, so Sandra has kindly agreed to take a 'Part 2' demo as well later in the year. Thank you very much Sandra, I know you enjoyed volunteering!!

 This is a selection that 
Sandra showed us

 This is one that I had a go at!!

Sunday 13 May 2012

May's meeting

What a lovely day we had today, lots of different things going on!  Emma kindly presented this months demonstration.  She showed us how to use a 'Brayer'.  I think everyone had a go, even young Matthew, who done very well.  Thank you Emma for doing the demo and for helping everyone out during the day.

         These are the cards done during the day......

       and this is one that Emma prepared earlier!!

I think its a case of 'Practice makes Perfect'

April's meeting

Once again we had a lovely day with lots of nice company.  
Julia done the demonstration today, and showed us how to make these lovely flowers, 
using an old book!!  Thank you Julia

Friday 13 April 2012

March's meeting

Once again, this month we had lots of lovely ladies attend.  After 3 months, it really does seem to be going well, and its lovely how everyone gets on with each other - and there are so many different crafts being done!  This months demonstration was on 'The Melting Pot'.  I saw this for the first time a couple of months ago at a club I go to (Dotty About Cards) and thought it was something very different and versatile.

February's meeting

Once again we had a good number of ladies attend today.  Today's demonstration was decorating Tealight candles and a card.

January's meeting

At our first meeting, 16 lovely ladies turned up!!  I demonstrated various types of easel card and everyone managed to complete at least one.  

Dates of Crazy 4 Crafts - 2012

21st January
18th February
17th March
14th April
19th May
16th June
21st July
18th August
8th September
20th October
17th November
15th December